It degree programs
What better place to earn a Bachelor of Information Technology (IT) degree than online, using state-of-the-art technology to learn about state-of-the-art technology.
With jobs in the field of information technology expected to increase 45% in the next decade, many students are doing just that—going online to earn a bachelor’s degree in information technology, and at top institutions too!
Individuals can use their Information Technology Bachelor’s degree across countless industries and occupations. Information schools—or “i-Schools”—are rapidly emerging within the world of higher education, and offer students a great option to complete a Bachelor of Information Technology degree from anywhere in the world.
Online Bachelor IT degree programs ranking guidelines:
We selected the top online IT Bachelor degree programs based on courses offered, program quality, awards, rankings, faculty, academic standing, reputation, including the school’s reputation for effectively providing online degree study. Ranging from world-class institutions like Penn State and University of Minnesota, to programs specifically designed for busy, working adults like Capella University and Excelsior College, the schools on this list are the leaders among new IT schools.
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1. Penn State World Campus
Online Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences and Technology
Penn State’s online IT bachelor’s degree is uniquely suitable for people experienced in IT and new to the field. Made up of a core curriculum and supporting classes, Penn State’s degree focuses on developing the skills and foundations needed to incorporate information technology into a variety of other systems.
The school’s online students can expect a curriculum consistent with the school’s reputation—that is, “academically rigorous, yet career-focused.” The program has a minimum of 125 credits, including 45 general education credits, 33 prescribed credits, and a number of elective and supporting credits.

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