Online programs
Colorado State University’s online bachelor’s, MBA, and graduate-level education programs were recently ranked among the best in the nation for veterans by U.S. News and World Report.
“Like other students, veterans and active-duty service members gain most from distance education that is
affordable, accessible and reputable, ” the rankings report stated. CSU’s programs, earning slots in the top 35, 50, and 70 respectively, were selected for their reputation, faculty credentials, retention rates, and graduate debt loads, according to the ranking methodology.
Ranking factors were considered in addition to the financial benefits made available by the institution to people with military experience. Tuition for CSU’s online programs is the same for both in-state and out-of-state students, meaning veterans’ tuition is eligible to be covered by the G.I. Bill and .
Increasing demand and expanding options
As a result of the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill and, more veterans than ever are enrolling in higher education institutions. Additionally, according to U.S. News and World Report, enrolled in online bachelor’s programs are either veterans or active military members.
Why are veterans and military members choosing online programs? According to Col. Gregory Marzolf, CSU aerospace science professor and Air Force ROTC cadet supervisor, the University’s online programs are necessary for many military members because, “we don’t have time to go to class during the day, we have other things we have to be doing… with the online programs, you can do it at your own pace, at night, on the weekend.” CSU’s online programs also offer flexibility in geographic location. Military members who tend to move frequently can enroll in an online program and earn their degree from CSU, regardless of where they are living.
Consistent with CSU’s military-friendly rankings
These latest rankings add to the list of the many accolades CSU has received in regard to military and veteran education. For six years in a row, G.I. Jobs magazine has ranked CSU among the top military-friendly schools in the nation, and Military Advanced Education’s 2015 Guide to College & Universities also designated CSU as a top school.
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