The WVIZ Education Department provides educators with professional development opportunities in an accessible online format that makes learning fun, flexible, and collaborative.
Educators can participate in high-quality, online learning experiences through the course management system Moodle, available for graduate credit from area universities. PBS TeacherLine also has 80 graduate level courses that span the curriculum.
The ideastream Education department will customize online courses for teachers and administrators in a school district to address specific needs.
Apps for Early Learners (Grades K-3)
Cost: $130
1 graduate credit for an additional fee
Apps - kids love them (of course)! Young learners are amazingly intuitive with tech gadgets. Even children who typically need assistance with “real world” activities, pick up an iPad and start touching, poking, and flicking “pages” like they’ve been doing this all their lives (maybe they have).
This online course will explore apps appropriate for early learners for all curriculum areas. Graduate credit is available for an additional fee.
Session Dates:
June 17 - July 14
Apps for Educators
Cost: $130
1 graduate credit for an additional fee
Apps - what are they and how can they be used in the classroom? As more people have access to smaller, mobile devices like iPads and Smartphones, Apps will become more & more popular both in the mainstream and in education. As educators, we need to instruct our students on how to use these mobile devices as learning tools.
This online course will explore Apps available for all curriculum areas and grade levels. Graduate credit is available for an additional fee. (Grades 4-12)
“The class was awesome. I am now applying for grants for iPads for students to use the amazing apps and resources we found! The class even shared grant foundation resources. Thanks.” Suzy Hirsch, FEFE Ohio State Educator, Hudson High School
July 15 - August 11
Boys Adrift by L. Sax
Cost: 0
1 graduate credit for an additional fee
Dr. Sax identifies and explores a disturbing trend - the vast number of boys who seem to be disengaging from school and from their own potential. His analysis of the problem, as well as his insights and advice for parents and teachers make this a must read for anyone who is frustrated with what is happening to boys in our culture. Graduate credit is available for an additional fee. Book an additional $15.
Cost: $130
1 graduate credit for an additional fee
Cyberbullying is like having a gigantic megaphone. Bullies can spread mean and hurtful comments quickly and anonymously. Parents, school administrators, and law enforcement are all concerneed about it as lawsuits and even teen suicides have brought awareness to the issue. Take an in depth look at bullying in the digital age and techniques to use to deal with the issue.
August 5 - August 30
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